
I'm Rishi

a web developer.

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I am a soon to be full stack developer. I ❤️ sipping coffee and solving complex problems through codes.

My Skills


Design and Development

I started coding when I was about to give it up. Yeah that's right! I didn't even understood one line of code but then magic happened and I fell in love with it. I started this journey as I like to build my own things.


Playing Guitar

But my favourite hobby is playing guitar. Honestly I bought it to be "cool" but then I fell in love with it. After that, every time I get stuck while coding or if I just wanna relax then my guitar comes to the rescue!


Bike Rides

Do you know what is better than the smell of rain? Riding a bike! Or even better riding a bike during rain!! I learnt riding bike from YouTube! Yes that's right, I was in love with bikes during my teenage years and from then this love keeps on multiplying😌❤️

Get in touch

If you love riding in rain as much as I do.

Love riding in rain as much as I do? Let's go on a ride!

We can code together too!!

Contact Me

©️ 2021 Rishi Vasista.